Betting Systems Casino Gamblers

In this article, we’ll explain 6 popular betting systems that you can experiment with in your online casino gaming experience. Truth be told, these are timeless, tried and true betting systems originated in the world of offline betting, but they apply equally as well to online casino gambling, no matter what the game is, no matter what the betting structure is online sports betting.
Before You Begin: For most of these systems, you will need to decide what your betting unit will be ahead of time (such as the minimum allowable bet at the game and online casino in question).
1-3-2-6 Betting Systems
This is what’s called a Positive Progression system, meaning that as you win, your batch increases. The foundation of this online casino betting system is the premise that a player can win any game a maximum of 4 times in a row before they’ll probably lose.
Here’s how the system works:
– Bet 1 unit per betting round until you win a round;
– After you win a round, bet 3 units on the next (second) round;
– If you win a second round in a row, bet 2 units on the next (third) round;
– If you win a third round in a row, bet 6 units on the next (fourth) round;
– Then, no matter what happens (win or lose) return to the beginning of the pattern, betting 1 unit per round until you win one, etc.
The risk-reward scenario with the 1-2-3-6 betting system is simple. You can win as much as 6 times your original bet after 4 rounds of play while only putting 2 units of your own at risk.
The worst case scenario with the 1-2-3-6 betting system is that you lose 6 consecutive times in the second round. No matter, though. You can make it all up by winning 4 times in a row.
The Martingale System
This is a Negative Progression system, meaning that as you lose, your bet increases.
The foundation of this online casino betting system is the premise that a player cannot possibly lose an infinite number of times without ever winning a single round. Therefore, what the Martingale system is designed to help you do is offset all of your accumulated losses with a single win.
Whether you consider it cynical, realistic, or both, this system works best in cases when the online casino game is paying out a 1 to 1 payout ratio on each bet. Here’s how it works:
– First, place whatever bet you’ve decided to start with;
– If you win, bet the same amount again, but if you lose, bet double the amount;
– If you lose again, you double your bet again.
The downside to the Martingale system is that you need a large bankroll to start out with as well as the resolve to keep increasing your batch as your compound losses. Not just anyone can pull this online casino betting system off.
In the rarest of cases, you may, after enough losses, reach the online casinos betting maximum and then not be able to raise your bet further or offset your losses with one win.
The DAlenbert System
This is another Negative Progression system. Its also considered an Insurance System in that, as you win, the size of your batch increases. Here’s how it works: